Maui Breeze Wood Flower Bouquet
Maui Breeze Wood Flower Bouquet
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The perfect combo for any destination wedding, the Maui Breeze bouquet looks fabulous against any ocean background! Sky Blue and Succulent green colors feature throughout, with yellow and ivory accents, all nestled in vibrant greenery of ferns. The bouquet pictured is the Bridesmaid size.
Flowers include:
Slate Roses
- Ivory Dahlias
Soft Green Chrysanthemums
Plumosa Fern
Tree Fern
- Leatherleaf Fern
- 6-8 inches wide, 18 - 25 inches around, 10 inch tall (Toss/ Mini Bouquet Size)
- 8-10 inches wide, 25 - 31 inches around, 12 inch tall (Bridesmaids Bouquet Size)
- 10-12 inches wide, 31 - 37 inches around, 14 inch tall (Bridal Sized!)
- 12-14 inches wide, 37 - 43 inches around, 15 inch tall (Deluxe Size option)
If you like the style and wanted different colors, or if you have something else in mind all together, send a message and lets work on creating your unique design for your special day.
Please note your bouquet is handmade to order, and may differ slightly than the bouquet pictured due to natural variations in the sola wood flowers and dried and preserved greenery, but this adds to the overall uniqueness of our products. :)