Something Blue Wood Flower Bouquet
Something Blue Wood Flower Bouquet
Something old, something new? Something borrowed, something blue? Well this bouquet fits them all! Keep up the tradition with this design- a new item using "old" materials (dried) that's blue and "borrowed" (from a plant). Well, we might be paraphrasing to suit our needs! In any case, you can't deny that this bouquet in slate blue and light gray isn't striking! The bouquet pictured is the bridal size.
Now you can add silver dollar eucalyptus for even more texture for your wedding! See last photo in set for an example.
Flowers include:
- Slate Blue Roses
- Ivory Roses
- Preserved Hydrangea
German Statice
Baby's Breath
Eucalyptus Berries
Dusty Miller
Eryngium Thistle
- Brunia Foliage
- 6-8 inches wide, 18 - 25 inches around, 10 inch tall (Toss/ Mini Bouquet Size)
- 8-10 inches wide, 25 - 31 inches around, 12 inch tall (Bridesmaids Bouquet Size)
- 10-12 inches wide, 31 - 37 inches around, 14 inch tall (Bridal Sized!)
- 12-14 inches wide, 37 - 43 inches around, 15 inch tall (Deluxe Size option)
If you like the style and wanted different colors, or if you have something else in mind all together, send a message and lets work on creating your unique design for your special day.
Please note your bouquet is handmade to order, and may differ slightly than the bouquet pictured due to natural variations in the sola wood flowers and dried and preserved greenery, but this adds to the overall uniqueness of our products. :)